Terms of Service

Service description

Welcome to Argos, your comprehensive center for dog care and training. We offer a variety of services including:

  • Dog training: Programs adapted to the individual needs of each pet.
  • Canine Hotel: Safe and comfortable accommodation for dogs.
  • Canine Daycare: Supervised space for socialization and play.
  • Canine Club: Community for dog owners.
  • Dog groomer: Grooming and aesthetic care services.
  • Training as a Dog Trainer: Courses for those interested in becoming certified trainers.

User Registration

  • Registration Need: Registration is required to make reservations.
  • Registration Requirements: Accurate client and dog data are required.

Acceptable Use

  • Rules and Limitations: Acceptable use involves compliance with established rules and limitations.
  • Prohibitions: Access is not allowed if the dog does not comply with the required vaccinations or documents.

User Responsibilities

  • Responsibilities: No specific responsibilities are imposed, but proper use of the site is expected.
  • Accuracy of Information: All information provided must be authentic and truthful.

Privacy and Personal Data

  • Data Management: Customer data is used to verify facility access requirements.
  • Explicit Consent: Explicit consent is not required, but data will be handled according to the privacy policy.

Payments and Billing

  • Payment Services: Daycare or hotel reservation with payment via Stripe or PayPal.
  • Billing Policy: The charge corresponding to the requested service will be made.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

  • Cancellation and Refund: The user must contact Argos in writing to request refunds.

Changes to Terms

  • Modification of Terms: Argos reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions.
  • Change Notification: Users will be notified by email.

Account Termination

  • Modification or Closing of Accounts: Accounts may be modified or closed in case of non-compliance with regulations.
  • Termination Notification: An explanatory email will be sent to the customer.

Links to Third Parties

  • External links: Links to payment sites such as Stripe are provided.
  • Lack of Control: Argos has no control over linked external sites.

Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

  • Jurisdiction: Legal disputes will be resolved in the Orihuela Court.
  • Applicable Law: The corresponding law will apply.

Contact for Questions and Clarifications

  • Contact: For questions or clarifications about the Terms of Service, please contact us via info@argosorihuela.com.
mistake: Protected content!!
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